Solar street lamp maintenance method in winter

Publish Time: 2019-10-16     Origin: Site

Winter is the peak season of solar streetlights. There are many solar street lights that have quality problems in the winter. The problem is that the night lighting time is lacking. For example, it is 6 hours per day, and only three or four hours in winter. It won't light up. The reason for this phenomenon is primarily due to the battery feed.

1. The weather is cold in winter, and the battery will be "frozen" if it is frozen, which constitutes a lack of discharge. Usually in the cold area, the battery should be buried at least 1 meter deep, and 20 cm of sand is laid at the bottom to facilitate the dissipation of water, so that the battery life can be extended. The lithium battery needs to be insulated with insulation cotton.

2. Solar panels are lacking in power generation, and the electricity generated every day cannot be filled with batteries. The winter sun moves south, and the sun's elevation angle decreases, constituting the lack of illumination. Some localities are caused by light, because the solar panels are blocked by high objects such as trees, or partially blocked, which constitutes a lack of power generation.

3. The solar panels have not been cleaned for a long time, and there are too many dusts that affect power generation. Some localities are because of the snow, and the snow covers the solar panels to make up the power. So always clean up the dust and snow on the solar panels, it is best to clean up in two months.

4. A certain amount of service life is reached. When the battery has been charged and discharged, the amount of electricity will gradually decrease with the increase in the number of applications. Therefore, the lighting time of solar street lamps will be gradually reduced after 3 years of use, which is normal. Replacing the energy storage battery will solve the problem.

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Solar street lamp maintenance method in winter