What are the reasons why solar street lights are not as bright as traditional street lights?
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What are the reasons why solar street lights are not as bright as traditional street lights?

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-03-14      Origin: Site

 What are the reasons why solar street lights are not as bright as traditional street lights?

1. Not installed in the correct position:

Some solar street lights are not installed in place. Street light manufacturers introduce obstacles around solar street lights, such as leaves, eaves, and even shadows, which can cause solar panels to absorb solar energy. The conversion rate is reduced, so normal light cannot be emitted.

2. No solar street light controller:

Perhaps the person installing the solar street light did not set up the controller correctly. Since he did not have the expertise or follow the instructions of the solar street light manufacturer, the controller could not properly control the lighting time, power and other aspects, leading to failure. usually.

3, Poor quality of solar street lights

Because of the bright market prospects of solar street lights, many solar street light manufacturers have joined the cake. However, due to these benefits, solar street light manufacturers will deliberately check the quality of solar street lights, such as solar panels and controllers.

Add:  National UniversityScience Park, Photoelectric Information Industrial Base, DaXiamei Town, Nanan City, Fujian ,China Tel+86-0595-68997709
E-mail: Nicole nicole@sigoledlight.com       Jacky jacky@sigoledlight.com
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